Monday, October 3, 2011


Google is showing us what he wants us to see and doesn't let us choose what we need to see. It is limiting the information by showing us what we want to see and not what we need to see. Also, everyone gets different search results when they are searching for the same thing but from different places, this is why some people may find different things that others don't have an excess to it. We are in a cycle of information that is forced on us, we can't choose the information that we need to know, google tells us what we should know and leaves out the rest. Our toughts are controlled by google because it limits our knowledge and we don't know what is going on outside that circle that we are in.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I think that it is unfair for the students if colleges base their decision on them off of what they post on Facebook, twitter, etc. I don't understand how this is going to help them know the student better, they can just interview the person rather than going through their posts online. Students must be careful about what they post because once it's on the web, then it will stay there forever.